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Feathers in the Wind

SKU: LA466

Book Summary:

Inspirational Lessons for Mastering Positive Speech

She said…
He looked at me sideways…
I wasn’t supposed to hear, but what did you mean by that?

Shemiras halashon is everyone’s challenge. Day after day, word after word spills from our lips. Those words can make someone’s morning… or break their future. A single gesture might take only a moment… but may cause ripples that change lives.

Feathers in the Wind, the renowned column in Binah, has opened the eyes of thousands of readers over many years. Realistic anecdotes and short poems highlight the incredible effects of our interactions, both on those nearest and dearest to us and on people we will never see again.

Now, for the first time, Feathers in the Wind is available as an easily accessible volume of selected columns.

Written to be approachable, inspiring, and impactful, Feathers in the Wind reminds us through halachah and hashkarah to keep our words holy.

Feathers in the Wind… is a sefer mussar of the best and most wholesome kind.” – Rebbetzin Tzipora (Heller) Gotlieb

“[Feathers in the Wind is] a life-transforming column… Each week [the author] nails it with examples that seem to happen… to me! Her insights inspire me to pause and think a bit more than I did before.” – Sara Rivka Kohn


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Feathers in the Wind

SKU: LA466


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Book Summary:

Inspirational Lessons for Mastering Positive Speech

She said…
He looked at me sideways…
I wasn’t supposed to hear, but what did you mean by that?

Shemiras halashon is everyone’s challenge. Day after day, word after word spills from our lips. Those words can make someone’s morning… or break their future. A single gesture might take only a moment… but may cause ripples that change lives.

Feathers in the Wind, the renowned column in Binah, has opened the eyes of thousands of readers over many years. Realistic anecdotes and short poems highlight the incredible effects of our interactions, both on those nearest and dearest to us and on people we will never see again.

Now, for the first time, Feathers in the Wind is available as an easily accessible volume of selected columns.

Written to be approachable, inspiring, and impactful, Feathers in the Wind reminds us through halachah and hashkarah to keep our words holy.

Feathers in the Wind… is a sefer mussar of the best and most wholesome kind.” – Rebbetzin Tzipora (Heller) Gotlieb

“[Feathers in the Wind is] a life-transforming column… Each week [the author] nails it with examples that seem to happen… to me! Her insights inspire me to pause and think a bit more than I did before.” – Sara Rivka Kohn

Book Information:

Additional information

Dimensions15.24 × 22.86 cm


Cover type

Page count


September 2024

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