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Yesodos Hechsher Keilim and Hafrashas Challah

SKU: LA410

Book Summary:


Can glass be kashered? Does it need to be kashered?

If one cannot remove a stain from a keili, can it be kashered?

Does a pushpin used to design a cake require tevillah?

Does a keili that is always used with parchment paper require tevillah?

What happens if one divides five pounds of dough into many parts, freezes them, and only takes out one at a time to bake?

If one makes a few small batches of dough, how can they be combined together to be obligated in challah?


This sefer explains fundamental principles and concepts in a short and clear style in order to be able to understand the complicated halachos of hechsher keilim, tevillas keilim, and hafrashas challah.

Know when and how to ask a shailah.
Know and understand common daily halachos.
Clear and practical guide for kashering a kitchen for Pesach or from a non-Jew.
A great way to review the halachos in an organized and systematic format.
For those who never had the opportunity to learn it and for those who have learned it many times.

By Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Golding


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Yesodos Hechsher Keilim and Hafrashas Challah

SKU: LA410


In Stock

Book Summary:


Can glass be kashered? Does it need to be kashered?

If one cannot remove a stain from a keili, can it be kashered?

Does a pushpin used to design a cake require tevillah?

Does a keili that is always used with parchment paper require tevillah?

What happens if one divides five pounds of dough into many parts, freezes them, and only takes out one at a time to bake?

If one makes a few small batches of dough, how can they be combined together to be obligated in challah?


This sefer explains fundamental principles and concepts in a short and clear style in order to be able to understand the complicated halachos of hechsher keilim, tevillas keilim, and hafrashas challah.

Know when and how to ask a shailah.
Know and understand common daily halachos.
Clear and practical guide for kashering a kitchen for Pesach or from a non-Jew.
A great way to review the halachos in an organized and systematic format.
For those who never had the opportunity to learn it and for those who have learned it many times.

By Rabbi Yaakov Moshe Golding

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